5 Delicious Chicken of the Woods Mushroom Recipe

In the world of delicious foods and recipes, there is a variety of different types of chicken of the Woods Mushroom recipes you can find. Some of these mushrooms are different from others but others are safe to eat.

Luckily, there are some fun and delicious types of mushrooms that aren’t poisonous, but they do have an unusual appearance. One such mushroom is called chicken of the woods or laetiporus sulfurous.

This rich orange-brown mushroom has a texture similar to chicken and a taste that is slightly reminiscent of maple syrup.

I believe now you will have the curiosity to know the delicious chicken of woods mushroom recipes and here are these listed below.

What is Chicken of the Woods?

Chicken of the woods mushroom recipe can be found growing in temperate and tropical forests. Chicken of the woods is commonly used but the most popular is laetiporus sulfurous. This mushroom has a rich orange-brown color that makes it stand out in a forest.

Another common name for chicken of the woods is sulfur polypores since this type of mushroom produces polypores on its surface. Unfortunately, chicken of the woods is not something most people would consider to be an appealing dish. This fungus takes quite a long time to mature before it can be considered edible, and the texture of its immature form is quite unpleasant.

It’s also very common for amateur mushroom hunters to confuse chicken of the woods for a poisonous mushroom. While the mature version is safe to eat, it can be tricky to properly identify. In order to properly prepare chicken of the woods, you need to wait for it to become fully grown.

Mushroom will take three to five years to grow fully as it has a long life span. When fully grown, chicken of the woods will have a creamy orange-brown color.

Be sure to carefully inspect your mushrooms and olive oil to ensure they aren’t growing in a location that may have been sprayed with pesticides.

How to Cook Chicken of the Woods Mushroom

Depending on the chicken of the woods mushroom recipe you choose, you can either pan-fry or grill chicken of the woods, but it’s not recommended that you boil or steam the mushrooms. When mushrooms are boiled, they release a substance called glutamates, which can cause an unpleasant taste and smell.

When you grill or pan-fry chicken of the woods, you actually aren’t cooking the mushrooms at all. Instead, you’re heating up a metal surface and melting any excess fat that has built up on the surface of your mushrooms. While it can be tricky to get the perfect pan-fry, chicken of the woods is very easy to cook with the right recipe.

Chicken of the woods can be prepared in a variety of ways, including being sautéed in butter and served with rice or being eaten with eggs for breakfast.

Why Should You Care About Cooking Chicken of the Woods?

While chicken of the woods is a safe and delicious type of mushroom, it can be tricky to prepare. This mushroom has a high-fat content that can cause it to burn easily if you aren’t careful when cooking. Chicken of the woods also tends to be rather expensive when purchased in stores.

Growing your own chicken of the woods mushrooms is a great way to save money while also getting a unique and exciting gardening experience!

Cooking your own chicken of the woods mushroom recipe is also a great way to learn more about this fascinating fungus. If you’re interested in learning more about how mushrooms grow, this mushroom is a great place to start.

Chicken of the woods mushrooms also require very little maintenance and can be grown in almost any climate.

5 Appetising Chicken of the Woods Mushroom Recipe


Fried Chicken of the Woods Mushrooms Recipe

It is possible to batter-fry wood mushrooms for your chicken! These crispy fried mushrooms are coated in batter and taste like chicken. These are too much delicious that you will be amazed after eating why haven’t you tried them before?


Fried Chicken of the Woods Mushrooms Recipe


Grilled Chicken of the Woods Sandwich

This is an artisan type of recipe that is made with grilled chicken with some foraged mushrooms that are packed between two spicy buns and amazing toppings.
Grilled Chicken of the Woods Sandwich

Sesame Baked Chicken of the Woods

This includes a feature of Sour Cream Batter and sesame seed with the coating of breadcrumbs that make it delicious that you will love it.


Sesame Baked Chicken of the Woods


Sauteed Chicken of the Woods

Sauteed Chicken of the Woods Mushroom recipe is a dish made with chicken that has been sauteed in a pan with oil or butter. The chicken is usually seasoned with salt and pepper before it is cooked. This dish is often served with vegetables, rice, or pasta.


Sauteed Chicken of the Woods


Buffalo Chicken of the Woods Mushrooms


The Buffalo chicken of the woods mushroom recipe is a variety of mushrooms that have a chicken-like flavor. These mushrooms are native to North America and can be found growing on trees in the wild. Buffalo chicken of the woods mushrooms is a popular ingredient in many dishes, including soups, stews, and casseroles.


Buffalo Chicken of the Woods Mushrooms


Chicken of the Woods Mushroom Requirements

  • 2 cups of chopped clean chicken the wooden mushrooms
  • 1/2 cup of chopped onions
  • 2 tbsp of butter
  • 1 tbsp of soy sauce
  • 2 cloves of chopped garlic
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 cups of long-grain white rice
  • 2 cups of water
  • 1 cup of chopped broccoli
  • 1 diced carrot - Optional garnish
  • 1 cup of sliced scallions Optional garnish
  • 1 cup of sliced almonds - Optional garnish

Tips for Cooking Chicken of the Woods

  • When dealing with chicken of the woods, it’s important to clean the mushrooms carefully.
  • Since this type of mushroom has a high-fat content, it’s important to wash it thoroughly to avoid clogging your sink.
  • Since chicken of the woods mushrooms are so rich in fat, you should be careful not to undercook them.
  • It’s recommended that you cook these mushrooms for a full five minutes to ensure that they’re fully cooked through.
  • It’s important to use a proper cooking method when cooking chicken of the woods. Pan-frying the mushrooms in butter is a great way to fully melt the fat that has built up on the surface of the mushrooms, while also crisping the outside so that it becomes crunchy.
  • You can use the chicken of the woods mushroom recipe in a variety of different recipes.
  • This mushroom goes especially well with rice, so consider making a delicious stir-fry or fried rice with your freshly grown mushrooms!

Super Easy Chicken of the Woods Recipe

This simple recipe uses the chopped chicken of the woods mushrooms recipe from the above recipe along with some rice, broccoli, and a garnish of sliced scallions and almonds. You can easily make this recipe at home with a bit of preparation that also tastes like chicken!

  • First, you’ll want to make your rice according to the instructions on the package. While the rice is cooking, you can begin preparing your chicken of the woods mushrooms.
  • First, chop the mushrooms into small pieces.
  • If you’re using a large skillet, you can add the mushrooms with the chopped onions and garlic and sauté until everything is fully cooked through.
  • If you’re using a smaller skillet, you can add the mushrooms and onions to the pan and then add the garlic at the very end.
  • Once the mushrooms, onions, and garlic are fully cooked, you can stir everything together and add the soy sauce.
  • Spoon the rice into a bowl, add the chicken of the woods mushroom stir fry, and then garnish with a few scallions and almonds!


Chicken of the woods may not be the most appealing mushroom, but it has a wonderful, sweet taste and creamy texture that will leave you wondering why you’ve never cooked it at home before.

This mushroom grows slowly and can take several years to fully mature, so it can be challenging to find a source.

Luckily, you can also cook chicken of the woods when it’s young and have a delicious, creamy mushroom in just a few minutes.

Cooking chicken of the woods is a great way to engage with this fascinating fungus, save money, and experiment with new recipes! By the way, the chicken of the woods price is too less.
